Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas Offers

Measures are suggested to enhance better operation, local content development, reduced the OPEX and CAPEX costs for exploration, drilling and production sustainability and optimization.

Improvement in the oversight function of
Operators, Contract administration
Improvement in the oversight function of Operators, Contract administration & processing, Monitoring of assets, Local content development and monitoring In-country capacity development, Transparency CSR for communities.
The suggestions are to enhance smooth and unhindered operation thus, majority will be driven by Information Technology and implemented real time at little or no cost.
The suggestions are to enhance smooth and unhindered operation thus, majority will be driven by Information Technology and implemented real time at little or no cost.
So, the suggestions predominantly focus on the local contents, IOCs mode of operations, cost saving and optimization of limited resources available in the country.
So, the suggestions predominantly focus on the local contents, IOCs mode of operations, cost saving and optimization of limited resources available in the country.

GExpert Consulting will guide and advice on oil and gas value chain cost management and reconciliation at the following levels:

  • Subcommittee (SUBCOM)
  • Technical Committee (TECOM)
  • Management Committee (MACOM)
  • Financial Committee (FINCOM)

We also provide the following Consultancy Services:

  • Oilfield Technical Audit/Value for Money Audit/ Cost Verification for Exploration; Development-(CAPEX); Facilities-(OPEX/CAPEX); Drilling-(DRILLEX); Decommissioning & Abandonment Cost; and General Expenses & Administration)
  • Field Decommissioning & Abandonment
  • Oilfield Operations Technical work program Review-Annually
  • Oilfield Budget & Performance Review- AnnuallyReview each contractor’s annual work programme & budget and Reported performance.
  • Review contracts more than contractor’s limit.
  • Review project scopes, schedule and costs.
  • Carry out annual cost verification exercise.
  • Verifies crude oil allocation for payment of royalty, cost oil, ppt & profit through cost Recovery team
  • Oilfield Operations Cost Control & Monitoring
  • Oilfield Production Cost Control & Monitoring
  • Oilfield Projects Cost Control & Monitoring
  • Crude Oil Output Control & Monitoring/Inspection 
  • Downstream Marketing, Supply & Distribution/ Inspection of imported Products
  • Retail Supply and Distribution of Various products- Filling Station Outlets