Research and Market Intelligence
Research and Market Intelligence
Global Experts Consultoria one of the core businesses, and strength is to render marketing research services. We provide discerning information that will help clients solve issues and achieve objectives. The report comes with an elaborate executive summary that will help rejuvenate, build, and reposition brands and businesses.
Whether quantitative, qualitative research methodologies or both, the output of our research projects and efforts, have seen our clients acquire leadership roles in their respective sectors. We apply standard practices in research project management, scope definition, design of concepts/objectives, questionnaires, data analysis, and engagement of personnel to run the projects.
We have quality assurance process built into our research projects framework which ensures quality work is done by all and all data is back checked and validated. Quality of our work is assured, and research reports are delivered on time.
Our services in market research are:
Political and Election opinion poll and trends, Consumers Research, Social Research, Customer Satisfaction Survey, New Product Testing and implementation, Pricing Studies, Product Evaluation Study, Impact Assessment, Awareness and Usage Study, Advert and campaign evaluation, Opinion Poll, Continuous Assessment, Quality of Service.

The Methodology we adopt, depending on the type of research includes: Face – to – face interviews, Group Interview, Social and Religious Center sampling, On-line surveys, Mobile survey, Focus group discussions (FGDs), In-depth interviews (IDI)s, Telephone aided interview, Audits, Desk research
Most common tools in some of our research projects are: Semi/fully structured questionnaires, FGD Moderating guide, IDI guide, Mobile equipment (Android phones, tablet, etc)